Orange Belgium launches a brand new range of mobile subscriptions for the whole family

Orange Belgium launches a brand new range of mobile subscriptions for the whole family

Orange Belgium launches a new range of mobile subscriptions, including innovative solutions to support customers in their digital lives. As the new brand signature indicates, ‘Orange is here’, in particular to ensure that smartphone use is serene and adapted to customers' new needs.

Features for customer peace of mind

The new range includes a number of features designed to give customers total peace of mind:

  • Always sufficient data for every member of the family
  • Always the possibility of surfing, even when the maximum volume has been reached
  • Significant discounts when combining several mobile offers or with an Orange internet connection (with or without TV)

Orange Mobile Small, Medium, Large

The three new offers, Orange Mobile Small, Medium and Large, include unlimited calls and text messages and data volumes of 8 GB, 50 GB or 300 GB. Once these maximum volumes have been reached, the data connection will remain functional with a reduced transfer speed, so you can stay connected no matter what, with no nasty surprises when it comes to tariffs. All of these data volumes can be used anywhere in the European Union and even beyond for the Orange Mobile Large subscription, which includes a ‘Best Destinations Data’ option.

These new offers are available at prices of EUR 14, 21 and 39 respectively. If more than one mobile subscription is taken out, there are monthly reductions of up to EUR 3 per mobile card and EUR 9 for a convergent mobile + internet pack (with or without TV).

Orange Mobile Child, a special offer for youngsters

Orange Mobile Child, an offer specifically designed for younger customers, is also launched at a price of EUR 5. The offer is available only in combination with another family mobile package and provides 2 GB of data, 150 minutes of calls and unlimited text messages.

All these subscriptions are available both in-store and online.

Sven Adams Senior Press Relations Officer, Orange Belgium


About Orange Belgium

About Orange Belgium

Orange Belgium is one of the major telecommunication operators on the Belgian market, with revenues of 1,749 million euros in 2023 and over 3 million customers on 31 December 2023, and in Luxembourg, via its subsidiary Orange Communications Luxembourg. Thanks to its own fixed and mobile networks, Orange Belgium offers both residential and business customers fixed and mobile connectivity services and convergent offerings (internet, telephony, television, including original TV content: Be tv, VOOsport, etc.). As a responsible operator, Orange Belgium invests to reduce its ecological footprint and promote sustainable and inclusive digital practices. Orange Belgium is also a wholesale operator, offering its partners access to its infrastructure as well as a broad portfolio of connectivity and mobility services, including offerings based on Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Orange Belgium is a subsidiary of the Orange Group, present in 26 countries with a total customer base of 298 million customers worldwide on 31 December 2023. The Group is also a leading provider of global IT and telecommunication services to multinational companies under the brand Orange Business.

Orange Belgium is listed on the Brussels Stock Exchange (OBEL).

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Orange and any other Orange product or service names included in this material are trademarks of Orange or Orange Brand Services Limited.

Press contact
Sven Adams – +32 (0)486 36 47 22

Orange Belgium
Bourgetlaan 3
1140 Brussels