A real alternative for customers: Orange Belgium launches its first Internet-only offer

After disrupting the market with its Love Trio and Love Duo offer, Orange Belgium goes again one step further by launching its Home portfolio, which allows customers to opt for the products they want, even without a mobile subscription.

Since the launch of its convergent portfolio Love in 2017, Orange Belgium managed to shake up the status quo and attracted more than 300.000 customers. A growth made possible by the Love Trio (broadband, TV and mobile) but also by the disrupting Love Duo offer (broadband and mobile) launched in 2019 and which gave a major boost to Orange Belgium’s presence in the convergence market, so far massively dominated by incumbent players. It now goes one step further with Home, its first portfolio which doesn’t require any mobile subscription, building further on its promise to customers not to force them into paying for services they don’t want or need.

The objective: meeting the demand of this portion of the Belgian market which doesn’t need or want a mobile subscription, but still wants to enjoy a fast, reliable and unlimited fixed broadband connection, with or without television. Based on internal surveys, it appears 20% of Belgian households declare they don’t want any mobile subscription attached to their broadband connection, and the need for alternatives and a strong commercial offer is there particularly high.

To address this demand, Orange Belgium today unveils its Home portfolio, structured around 2 new major subscriptions: 

- ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Home Internet, for high-speed unlimited broadband fixed internet only (40 euros)

- ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Home Internet & TV, for high-speed unlimited broadband fixed internet + TV (55 euros)

It is also possible for customers to add a fixed phone option (10€/month), and/or to opt for the Internet Boost (15€/month), which allows download speeds of 400Mbps and upload speeds of up to 40Mbps.

Christophe Dujardin, Chief Consumer officer of Orange Belgium, comments: “Orange Belgium was and remains the Bold challenger of the Belgian telco market, and we prove it once again with our long awaited high-speed, unlimited broadband-only offer. With our Home portfolio, we have a strong offer for customers that have been for much too long facing the lack of competitive offers not linked to a mobile subscription. By addressing this demand, we will further build upon the success of our entrance on the convergent market and stay consistent with our motto: offering customers a real alternative and highly qualitative services at a fair price.”




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About Orange Belgium


Orange Belgium is one of the major telecommunication operators on the Belgian market, with revenues of 1,749 million euros in 2023 and over 3 million customers on 31 December 2023, and in Luxembourg, via its subsidiary Orange Communications Luxembourg. Thanks to its own fixed and mobile networks, Orange Belgium offers both residential and business customers fixed and mobile connectivity services and convergent offerings (internet, telephony, television, including original TV content: Be tv, VOOsport, etc.). As a responsible operator, Orange Belgium invests to reduce its ecological footprint and promote sustainable and inclusive digital practices. Orange Belgium is also a wholesale operator, offering its partners access to its infrastructure as well as a broad portfolio of connectivity and mobility services, including offerings based on Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Orange Belgium is a subsidiary of the Orange Group, present in 26 countries with a total customer base of 298 million customers worldwide on 31 December 2023. The Group is also a leading provider of global IT and telecommunication services to multinational companies under the brand Orange Business.

Orange Belgium is listed on the Brussels Stock Exchange (OBEL).

For more information on the internet and on your mobile: corporate.orange.be, www.orange.be or follow us on X: @pressOrangeBe

Orange and any other Orange product or service names included in this material are trademarks of Orange or Orange Brand Services Limited.

Press contact
Sven Adams – sven.adams@orange.com +32 (0)486 36 47 22


Bourgetlaan 3 1140 Brussels

